Day 7 – London – Dartford Marathon:
Sunday 23rd October 2011 – The day MORE scouts came.
08:40 at Dartford Train Station heading for London and Trafalgar Square the start line for the last leg of the 777 Challenge. Both of us stiff legged and more than ready for the culmination of the weeks effort. The support team had grown yet again with a crowd of Scouts and Leaders travelling up with us boosting our spirits. On arrival at the start line we were met by yet more supporters. The first 6 miles we were accompanied by Scouts from Early and Burne Troup who set off at blistering pace of 8 minute miles. After looping around Oxford Street and Hyde Park we ran back into Trafalgar Square having already totalled nearly 7 miles. Leaving our scout escort we continued across to the South Bank and through Docklands, for this stage I have one word and its painful. We were met at the top of Greenwich Park by more runners and support cyclists as we pushed on up the steep climb of Shooters Hill, we were willed on by shouts of encouragement. As we entered Welling, the 20 mile point, we were again joined by yet more scouts and leaders from the 5th Dartford. Next we passed through Bexleyheath and Crayford cheered on by groups of supporters who stopped traffic enabling us to pass unhindered. By this point people from the local pubs and shops we passed joined the groups of Scouts on the streets cheering us passed. We descended the final hill into Dartford the pace increasing as we knew the final stretch was ahead. On entering Central Park we headed for the bandstand and at the finish line we saw the welcoming party and our hearts lifted, at 15:13 on 23rd October 2011 we had completed 7 Marathons in 7 Countries in 7 Days all but one of which was under 5 hours, not bad.
I would like to thank Darren and Matt our immediate support team, for their immense efforts, unwavering support and patience in keeping us going when we were fed up. I would also like to say a big thanks to the 5th Dartford Scout Group for letting us use their banner to run under and the leaders, scouts and parents for supporting and running alongside us as well as all those who have backed us financially.
Brilliant effort and thank you.

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