Family Camp 2011 – Broadstone Warren.
This year we wanted to do something different compared to the last two family camps. Our aim was to demonstrate a different type of camping and to offer a wider set of activities. As a result we chose Broadstone Warren in the Ashdown Forrest, which allowed us to camp in amongst the trees and offered a set of activities never done before on a family camp.
The advanced party arrived in the morning to set up camp. The area we were to camp on consisted of 3 individual clearings in the trees which were in close proximity to each other. Waiting at the corner of the main clearing were our four friendly Potraloos. More about them later! The tranquil scene reminded me of Robin Hood a film with everyone diligently beavering away with the various tasks involved in setting up the camp. Although I am sure Robin never heard the dulcet sounds of his merry men saying. “That part of the floor of the clearing seems to be moving.” Then on closer inspection. “ Have you seen the size of those wood ants!” Later followed by a phone call including the words “Dave, make that as much ant powder as you can lay your hands on”
Setting up camp went smoothly. There has always been a tradition in 5th Dartford Scouting to forget something for camp. This time it was a side of a party tent ,which was not much of a problem compared previous years. For my own part, to keep up the custom, I forgot my towel and hat!
Later around 6pm parents began arriving and setting up their tents. Most parents had a much better journey compared to the previous camp last year, when many were parked on the M25 for hours. Unfortunately one family broke down and had to wait for the AA. However, they did make it to camp. Quite a few people celebrated setting up the camp with fish and chips from the local chip shop. You should have seen the queue caused by Stu and Dan with their “small order” for people from the camp. Well the 5th Dartford always like to make an impression.
The evening finished with the golden ticket draw for the activities over the next two day. For those who did not go to camp we had two types of activities gold and silver. (If you follow the links you can find out more information about the activities)
For silver anyone could turn up and have ago. However, for gold we were limited so we came up with a lottery scheme which gave everyone a chance to go on two gold activities. This is the most activities we have ever tried to run on a family camp but as said before we wanted this camp to be different. I wanted people to try things they have never done on a camp before.
By the time we had worked out all the names it had gone 12:30 am. Quite a few people stayed up to the early hours of the morning exchanging stories over camp fires, just as scouting should be.
One thing with any camp you are never sure how it will turn out is the weather. So as I opened the tent zip at 7:00 am to look out I was not sure what I would see. I am glad to say it was not raining. Instead I was confronted by the lovely aroma of bacon. You see as part of the fundraising for the hall, bacon and sausage rolls were being sold in the main marquee. There was rather a brisk trade when I went in the Marquee, with quite a few families and leaders sampling the culinary delights served up by Karen and Maggie. Some people who will remain nameless cooked their own breakfast and then sneaked into to buy a bacon roll!
There were quite a few activities due to take place on Saturday. The first activity was the cube course which, started at 8:30 am. There seemed to be a lot of apprehension in some peoples face as they left to do the course. However, I can safely say “I counted them all out and I counted them all back”. Well okay I borrowed the phrase from Brain Hanrahan, but everyone said they had good time.
During the rest of the day the activities ran very smoothly. The climbing, abseiling and Archery ran by the Group leaders went really well, with lots of people taking part on these activities. At the traverse wall activity, we had lots of different ages trying to crisscross the wall. Best traverse climber has to go to little Gemma, who really showed up the Dads with superb her climbing skills. The afternoon saw potholing, swimming and human table football. I was amazed how many adults squeezed through the potholes, but I have to say the funniest activity of the day has to be the human table football.
The evening meal was spaghetti and pasta followed by apple pie and custard. It is no mean feat cooking for so many on camp, so well done Maggie, Liz and the rest. Following the evening meal Paul Boreham organised a wide game, whilst Ted and Hillary did a Quiz Evening for the Adults. For those who have never done a Ted Quiz the modern way to describe Ted’s questions are “Random”.
Sunday was another action packed day of activities. This included sumo wrestling, grass sledging and the rack.
The rack is best described as a person becoming a Thunderbird puppet. They are lifted in the air by four people operating ropes. Although I have never heard a Thunderbird puppet complaining to its puppeteer about being stretched! Grass sledging went down really well. Well actually it was the adults who went down really well. Some of the speeds they notched up were truly amazing . Thank goodness for the gravel landing area.
The main activity of the day and also the most eagerly anticipated was the cardboard canoe race. This is a traditional 5th Dartford activity that we have been doing for quite a few years. I did chuckle to myself when on explaining to the site we would be doing this activity the following question was asked. “What are the cardboard canoes made of?” “Cardboard of course,” I replied. This year there were 19 entries, which was a new record. The winner of the race is the canoe which does the most laps of the lake. We also had a prize for the best decorated.
Following the cardboard canoe race we had a fantastic barbeque, followed by cake. What a great way to finish the evening.
Monday is always the saddest part of a family camp as this is the last day of the camp. The weather forecast gave rain for lunchtime so our aim was to be packed before the heavens opened. Everyone helped with breaking camp. This was a real help. We then finished with a flag break and that was it, camp over until the next time.
A camp like this takes a lot of planning and co-ordination once the camp is underway. This cannot be done by one person alone, so I would like the opportunity to thank everyone who helped. Without this help we could not of had such a brilliant camp.
GSL’s Footnote…….
What a super weekend, a great campsite, so many activities, so many people actively getting involved, offering help and assistance. I believe a great weekend where parents and children got involved and working as a group enjoying the great outdoors as Scouts.
I am sure you will all join me in thanking Tim for organising an excellent family camp, as well as showing our appreciation to all the leaders that made the well laid plans come to life. A special mention needs to go to Maggie heading up the catering team that provided excellent evening meals as well as Karen and the 777 fundraising for the new hall with breakfast rolls. See more 777 New hall fundraising details on or
It was great to hear all the interest and enthusiasms from parents asking when the next family camp will be, and whether that we can hold them twice a year, unfortunately not that soon. We (5th Dartford Scouts) run a pretty full programme and camp at least six times a year already, with the Dartford District Jamboree being scheduled for next year we are proposing the next family camp to be at Gilwell Park, Chingford on the Spring Bank Holiday 24-27th May 2013. However please don’t feel that you need to wait until then to get involved, please speak to myself or any of the leaders of how you can get involved with all the great activities we are involved with now.
Yours in Scouting
Paul Boreham
Group Scout Leader – 5th Dartford Scouts
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