Reports and pictures from this years AGM / Activity Day.
On Friday 3rd June, Cubs from Phillips, Leigh and Collins Packs joined many other Cubs from the Dartford District to celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouting at the County Barn, Lower Grange Farm. The Cubs arrived at 18:00 to a drizzly start but it didn’t dampen their spirts. We had an opening ceremony followed by a wide game and after hot dogs and hot chocolate it was time for bed but unfortunately, for some, not time for sleep!
The Cubs treated the leaders to very early start on Saturday (4:45ish) which enabled us to be fed and watered, washed, dressed and tidied away before the day’s activities began. Each pack had a turn at climbing, archery, shooting, disc golf and craft activities. After dinner there was a disco and party games followed by a campfire with lots of singing. 5th Dartford followed this up with our own campfire, minus the singing, but we did toast marshmallows and had some fun with sparklers and all in bed and asleep by 22:15!
Sunday began with leaders having to wake most of the Cubs, revenge was sweet. The weather was kind and a morning of team games followed ending with a tug of war, Leaders against Cubs and after each team won twice, we called it a draw.
All the Cubs had a thoroughly enjoyable time. A huge thank you to the 5th Dartford leaders and young helpers, who made it all possible.
On the last weekend of May, 5th Dartford Scouts held the annual family camp at Thriftwood Camp site near Brentwood with 130 people attending. Tim the camp leader organised a great programme of activities and events so that all the family could join in together having fun.
The activities on Saturday were Climbing, Abseiling, Cresta Run, Water Zorbing, Archery, Fire-lighting, Slack Lines, mini-crossbows, tent pitching, survival brackets plus rocket launching, in the evening a quiz night for the adults and a wide game for those who wanted to. Whist on Sunday morning there was the camp base activities, tomahawk throwing plus a frenzy of activity involving cardboard and parcel tape with families creating there vessels to enter the Cardboard canoe race. In the afternoon we assembled four teams to building our own rafts, sailing them around the lake without too many pirate skirmishes with the water activities finalising with the Cardboard Canoe race with 13 creations taking part, to much amusement and acts of seamanship, a number of crafts making multiple laps. The day ended as good day at camp should, with a roaring camp fire with everyone joining in the celebration, sketches and song.
Did I mention the fishing? I think we may have a few more enthusiastic anglers!
I believe the weekend was so successful because so many people volunteered, got involved as part of the team, participating in planning, making bookings, communicating, shopping, cooking, chopping logs, cleaning the kitchen/toilets, completing training, renewing activity permits, transporting equipment, setting-up and clearing-down. I would personally like to thanks all the attendees for joining in and making the weekend a fantastic family camp, appreciating the time and effort people took planning and providing the activities. A special mention for the kitchen team who provided bacon rolls for breakfast, Spaghetti Bolognese on Saturday and the BBQ on the Sunday.
NB: Next year is the 5th Dartford Scouts centenary with us looking to hold a special family camp where we look to involve as many members and their families as possible.
Competition Winners:
Lots of correct answers. So drawn from the hat the winning joint family entry was the Foster & Gubby Families.
Scavenger Hunt
Again a few families with an item for each letter. However, the winning family won with one of the funniest lists I have ever seen, including (V) very smelly sock; Well done the Hickmott Family.
Scrambled Picture
Lots of entries, but one entry did very well scoring 29 out of 33. Well done to the joint family entry from the Grigg/Crockford Families.
Tent Pitching
Cardboard Canoe Race
Paul Boreham, Group Scout Leader