Friday 28th May saw @100 members and family from all sections of the 5th Dartford Scout Group descend on the Boyd Memorial Campsite in Henlow, Beds for our biannual Family Camp. The weather was fine upon arrival and with the advance party having already pitched the marquee and set up the kitchen, the only thing for the families to do was to put up their own tents.
Saturday’s weather was changeable, with some heavy showers, but spirits were not dampened with a full programme of activities for the weekend, which included Pioneering, Archery, Climbing, Abseiling, Target Shooting, Kayaking, Raft building, Cardboard Canoe Building/Sailing, Quizzes, a Scavenger Hunt, Arts & Crafts, Kite Flying & Boarding, Trail Hunt and Wide Games.
Sunday was thankfully dry with a good breeze, which meant all the canvas dried out and allowed Ted “Cougar” Essex to treat us to a good old scouting campfire, with some new tricks thrown in too.
As always this camp would not have been possible without the help of the leaders who put so much effort in to make it work, especially our camp leader – Tim Roscoe, but not forgetting the commitment of the parents and family of our members whoes continued support makes it all possible.
Here are some of the 400+ pictures taken and received thus far. If you have more pictures, which we can publish, please forward them to me at,uk and I’ll publish the best ones.