Monthly Archives: January 2013
2013-02-24 – Dartford Masonic Craft Fair
Today a fair number of our young members and leaders attended the Dartford Masonic Centre’s craft fair to assist with admissions and the lucky dip. As usual there were some fine vintage cars on display, crafts, gifts, chickens and eggs and welcome refreshments, which helped with the bitter chill. Always a worthwhile event for us to attend as we receive a share of the door towards our new hall fund and on this occasion, we recieved a cheque for £375.00! Additionally, the attending young folk can also get credit towards their Community Challenge and Kent Scout Volunteer Award.
2013-02-02 – Quiz Night
Well as usual, Del & Wendy’s annual 5th Dartford quiz night was a sell out success with the hall packed to capacity and everyone participating. The winning team was headed up by Burne Troop’s Tim Roscoe. We’re pleased to announce that after prizes etc there was a proffit of £297, which will be put to good use within the group. Thankyou to everyone who attended and had a great evening and especially to Del and Wendy for hosting the event.
2013-01-17 – Philpott Beavers Visit Dartford Museum
On a very cold Thursday afternoon at 4pm Philpott Colony donned hats gloves and scarves and walked down to Dartford Museum. Their exhibition entitled ‘Just add Imagination’ coincided with the Beavers working on their Imagination Activity Badge. Dr Mike Still welcomed us with open arms and let the Beavers look at all the displays plus ‘have a go’ at making models out of ‘K’nex‘. All 19 Beavers had a very enjoyable time as you can see from the photos and listening to their conversations on the dark cold walk back to the Scout Hall. On return a quick drink and a game soon warmed them up again.
Winter Camp 2013 – Gilwell Park
Were you one of the 43 5th Dartford Scouts and Explorers attending WinterCamp2013? If not, this is just some of what you missed! Continue reading
Candles for Matthew
Here’s another track from Johnston ESU’s Matthew Bauckham. The track is a cover version of Chris Rea’s “Candles” – Filmed on the Kent coast and accompanied by dad Pete.
To find out more about Matthew and his music, check out his Facebook page here.