For those unable to attend our AGM and fun day last weekend or didn’t get an opportunity to review the section reports, please see below.
[dm]119[/dm]Monthly Archives: May 2014
2014-05-02 – Edinburgh Chase
This year’s Edinburgh Chase was just as popular as previous years and had a number of teams consisting of 5th Dartford Explorers and Leaders taking part, ranging from the Junior to Veteran categories.
This year was one of the more challenging routes that this event has offered, but this didn’t stop all of our teams from completing in very respectable times.
A special mention to 5th Dartford Leaders team 72, who completed the course in 6hrs 18mins and also passed through both of the surprise checkpoints. This meant that they were awarded 1st place in the veteran category.
Thanks to the organisers for making such an enjoyable event possible and also to the 5th Leaders who did not take part in the hike, but instead gave up their time to provide hot dogs to teams after completion. I hear that there are already people in training for next year’s event…
Full results from this year’s event can be found here.
2014-05-14 – Philpott Pets @ Home
On Wednesday 14th May 2014 Philpott Beavers visited Pets at Home in Crayford as part of their Animal Friend Badge. So at 6pm 15 Beavers could be found sat on saw-dust bales passing around an adorable 12 week old small black rabbit. Some of the boys loved to cuddle and stroke it whilst some remained much more sceptical. Next were two Guinea pigs of different colours and Dave our expert for the evening told us many facts and answered numerous questions.
Then after cleaning our hands we headed off upstairs to meet James and his menagerie of Bearded Dragons, Snakes and Geckos. What a treat being able to touch feel and watch these creatures.
An hour and a half later we left having had a brilliant experience.
So very many thanks to the Manager Darren for arranging the visit and Dave & James for their patience.
2014-05-10 – 17th Int’l JOTT
On Saturday 10th May 2014 despite the weather forecast hundreds of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and Leaders walked from various start points along the Darent Valley Path for the 17th International Jamboree On The Trail all ending up at Sutton-at-Hone Football Ground.
5th Dartford were well represented by all age groups and although a few showers en-route gave us a bit of a soaking spirits were high and a good time had by all.
At 4pm as we all crossed the finish line we were well catered for with drinks and snacks and big smiles when all participants were presented with their badges.
Thank you especially to all the family members who took part for the very first time. We look forward to seeing you all again next year!
2014-05-09 – Scout Archery
Following 9 weeks of practice, our team of 24 competing archers plus Pauline and Tim supporting, arrived at Phasels Wood Activity Centre for the 9th National Scout Archery Competition. We had a clear run on the journey to camp and were fortunate in securing a good pitch and set camp in favorable weather conditions.
Alas the weather turned wet, with heavy rain and gale force winds gusting, and mud everywhere, but the team’s spirits were not dampened as our shooting detail times could not have been better.
Everyone represented the team well, but a special mention to to our two Scouts, who between them took silver in the under 11s field targets, silver in the under 14s 20yd targets and bronze in the under 14s overall.
2014-03-23 – Cheif Scout Bronze
On Sunday 23rd March 2014 at St Marys Church Greenhithe 5 Beavers from 5th Dartford who had completed all the work for their Bronze Award were presented with their certificates. This is the highest award available in the Beaver Section so very well done to Thomas and Ben from Peacock Colony and Joseph, Peter and Jamie from Philpott Colony.
Jacob from Peacock Colony also attained the badge but unfortunately was unable to attend the presentation.