Saturday 12th May 2018 was the date for the annual Jamboree On The Trail. This is an International event held for the last 21 years and the eighteenth year in a row that Dartford District including 5th Dartford Scout group have taken part.
After a spell of very good weather the week before, the morning turned out to be decidedly cool and a little damp but this didn’t deter our Group turning out in force. Some Leaders
and Explorers starting from Sevenoaks at 9.30am and walking the 17 miles along the Darent River path picking up Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and their families en route and finishing at Dartford park at around 4pm.
Here we were all greeted by District Leaders young and old and given snacks and hot drinks and the much coveted J.O.T.T. Badge.
Well done everyone who participated however far they walked and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.