Letter to International Scouts

Dear Fellow Scouts, 

Greetings from Dartford, Kent in England! We hope this letter finds you well. Our names are Oliver, Olivia, Alex and Evie and we are Scouts at 5th Dartford. As part of our exciting journey towards achieving the World Scout Award badge, we’ve been tasked with reaching out to scouts

like you from around the globe, and are excited to connect with you. Our scout group was created in 1916 by Scoutmaster A B “Skipper” Leigh. Back then 5th Dartford wore salmon pink neckerchiefs, but we now wear red scarfs. We are members of the

Early Scout troop (named after Titch Early, who was a leader in the 1940s). Early troop meets on Friday evenings. Typically, we learn survival and outdoor skills. As its England (where it can rain sometimes!) we usually meet indoors and take part in sporting games including Bench ball (a ball game where the first team who gets all its members to stand on a bench wins!), Football (soccer) and Poison Ivy (bit like individual tug-of-war). We also do archery, air rifle shooting and climbing. As a group, we take part in lots of camping – here are some photos from an Air Camp from last year, where we got to fly in a microlight aircraft –


One of the things we enjoy most about Scouts is our close friendships. It would be great to learn a bit about your scout group. How many scouts are in your group, and what skills and games do you enjoy doing? Are you doing any camps over the summer? We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in scouting,

Oliver, Olivia, Alex and Evie

Remembrance Weekend 2024

A letter sent by our older Scouts to our friends in Dartford twinned town Gravelines “EEDF PĂȘcheurs d’Islande GRAVELINES” came to fulfilment this weekend with a visit of 21 of them travelling to Dartford for Remembrance weekend.

With them departing Gravelines early Saturday morning via minibus and travelling by the channel tunnel they arrived at Dartford Scout House by lunch time, with a warm welcome and a quick turnaround they joined the 5th Dartford Scouts and Explorers for an activity afternoon comprising of archery and target shooting along with tea and biscuits.

That evening we held a fireworks extravaganza with hot chocolate and hamburgers being served, along with the Gravelines Scouts, there were also 130 parents, friends and siblings partake in the fundraising event with monies raised going towards the new hall fund.

Sunday morning we all converged at Dartford War Memorial for the act of remembrance, with three poppy reefs being laid: Gravelines Town,  PĂȘcheurs d’Islande Scouts along with Dartford Districts. All of us joined the parade around town, paying our respects, with the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Mayor and leader of the council taking the salute.

After tea and biscuits at the church hall, the English and French Scouts were combined into teams and took part in a Historical Treasure Hunt which span from St Edmunds Pleasance to West Hill, Lock-Up with questions relating from Henry’s V funeral, Henry VIII divorce settlement, to medieval leper hospital. 

With everyone back to 5th Dartford Scouts Hall, were we shared some traditional food, with the hosts providing: Roast beef, potatoes and Yorkshire pudding accompanied by gravy, horseradish and English mustard, followed by Jam Rolly Polly and custard. With the Guest providing speciality cheese, biscuits and sweet treats, all of which was shared and enjoyed by all. The Scouts joined in with games which both groups knew until the end of the afternoon.

Monday morning the Mayor welcomed the Gravelines Scouts to the Civic Centre, showing them around the council chamber and Mayors Parlour, explaining about the role and responsibilities being the King’s representative and 1st citizen of the town, followed by tea and biscuits. It was then time to say goodbye along with discussion about a returnvisit for English Scouts to travel to Gravelines.
