Group Structure
The Scout Group
- In common with all Scout Groups, 5th Dartford is a registered Charity. The Group meets the Charity Commission’s public benefit criteria under both the advancement of education and the advancement of citizenship or community development.
The Group is an autonomous organisation admitting young people to membership subject to the policy and rules of The Scout Association.
The Group comprises one or more of any or all of the following: a Beaver Scout Colony; a Cub Scout Pack or a Scout Troop. Additionally, a Group may also include one or more Group Scout Active Support Units, an Explorer Section or Networkers.
The Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and managed by a Group Executive Committee. They are accountable to the Group Council (all Adult and Junior members of the Group and the parents of young members) for the satisfactory running of the Group.
The non-Scouting administrative functions of the Group and its Executive Committee are led by the Group Chair, in support of the Group Scout Leader.
Property and Charity Trust for the Group
The land, buildings and all property and equipment are held in Trust for the Scout Group.
The Trustees of the Charity and the Trustees of the Property Trust are the same for the 5th Dartford Scout Group.
Trustees are appointed in line with the Policies and Procedures of the Scout Association.
The Trustees are legally responsible for ensuring:
- That the Scout Group and its individual Sections are properly accommodated and equipped in order to carry out their training programmes.
- That all legal requirements relevant to the ownership of all property and equipment or to the hiring of premises are in order.
- That all statutory duties and obligations imposed by the Charities Acts are fulfilled.
- That investments held on behalf of the Group must be registered in such a way as to show that they are held on trust for that body and that they are not the private property of the individuals.
- That all and any investments are held without risk to the solvency or operating effectiveness of the Group.
- That motor vehicles, vessels and any similar property owned by the Group are properly registered, licensed and insured as necessary and that all requirements as to their condition, testing or any other matters are fulfilled.
- That proper inventories of all equipment owned, including furniture and equipment are maintained.
- That all rules regarding financial reporting and diligence are adhered to without risk to the Trustees, the Group or its Members.
The Group Executive
The Group Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in administering the Group and in meeting the responsibilities to its Members.
The Committee is responsible for:
- Maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment;
- Raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finance;
- Insurance of persons, property and equipment;
- Group public occasions;
- Recruitment of Leaders and other adult support;
- Approval of expenditure for the Group.
The Group Executive Committee consists of: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Group Scout Leader; Assistant Group Scout Leader, All Section Leaders; Activity Leaders, Elected parent of at least one Member of each of the Sections in the Group.
The Executive Committee will meet at least every two months’ throughout the year.
The Group Scouters’ Leaders Meeting
Membership of the Group Scouters’ Meeting consists of the Group Scout Leader as Chair, all Section Leaders and Assistant Leaders and Instructors
The role of the Group Scouters’ Meeting is to ensure:
- The well-being and development of each Member of the Group;
- The progress of each Member through the programme;
- Plan and co-ordinate all the Group’s scouting activities;
Keep the Group Executive Committee advised of the financial and other resource requirements of the training programme and any other Section needs.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes AGM, Executive and GSL meetings will be made available in our Downloads section under the Meeting Minutes category.