Many thanks to all leaders, helpers and scouts for a very enjoyable summer camp.
We were very fortunate with the weather, which allowed us to enjoy the beautiful countryside and adventurous activities, but with only forty participants instead of the expected 50+ we are over budget by £400 and we hope that all attendees and those who didn’t attend, will support the forthcoming race night.
The following is a brief write up of the week and we look forward to receiving photos from all participants so that we can add them to the web site.
Most Scouts arrived punctually for the planned 07:00 getaway, but there’s always one……… Aside from the van being a touch temperamental and refusing to leave base, everything went to schedule and we arrived at Dalesbridge @ 14:30. All set up and a spaghetti bolognaise dinner served at 19:00; the evening was spent with the scouts exploring the site and playing wide games before turning in.
Morning patrol football competition, lunch and then off to the Morecambe Bay Kite Festival for a few hours and on our return, whilst Julie and Keith’s Sunday roast was being prepared, a short walk into the countryside around Austwick to get our legs working.
The patrols discussed and planned Ready-Steady-Cook (RSC), whilst the explorers focused on their overnight expedition. The Scouts were let loose in Skipton and its townsfolk for two hours to buy whatever they needed with their RSC budget. Then one of the mini-buses to Horton-in-Ribblesdale to ascend Pen-Y-Ghent (694m), with the others returning to camp to start RSC or their expedition. First time we’ve ever had a patrol pie and chips! Alas the leaders had to suffer Jason’s Cottage Pie, but some chose to suffer it more than once 😉
Up and out Swimming at Settle Swimming Pool, then back to camp for an early lunch followed by Caving on Blea Moor with many achieving the forth “skinny” cave or Gill Scrambling (Canyoning) at Packhorse Bridge, Stainforth – a National Trust site, whose name is derived from “Stony Ford” and culminating for most in a 5m jump into the dark peaty pools below. The theme for the evening meal was curry and Darren and Michelle didn’t disappoint with a fine Madras, a milder option for the more delicate palette.
Thanks to Keith’s research and passion of engineering, a FREE day trip to the National Coalmining Museum at Caphouse Colliery, with a walk around the nature reserve, visits to the workshops, plant rooms and redundant mining artefacts left rusting on site, followed by a 90 minute tour of the coal face at 140m below ground – alas no photos there as battery powered items were not permitted in the mine on safety grounds. The day was rounded off with a very welcome chip supper in Settle courtesy of Shambles fish restaurant, whose quality was cracking and they offered a very reasonable discount and free sauces – recommended by the 5th……….
An earlier start for the ten adventures attempting the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge with a fine breakfast of porridge (made with water) and checking in at the Pen-Y-Ghent Cafe for a 08:45 start. The more sensible leaders and scouts had a second trip to Settle swimming pool and enjoyed the afternoon on the river of Stainforth. Much, much later, the ten weary adventurers returned tired although jubilant at having successfully completed the challenge within the requisite 12 hours, which entitles them to membership in to the elite “Three Peaks of Yorkshire” club and like the scouts earlier in the evening, tucked in to a late supper of J’s homemade meatballs and garlic bread served with pasta.
A slow start for some whilst the Scouts competed in Camp Site Olympics, after lunch we rotated the caving and Gill Scrambling to ensure everyone had the opportunity at both activities. Dave, Chris and the duty patrol cooked up homemade burger and chips, followed by ball games on the field in the evening.
A drive to Malham Tarn walking 5 miles of the Pennine way (only 263 miles left to go), stopping for lunch at the tarn foot and then Peregrine Falcon spotting at the cove and ice-creams in the village. Taking advantage of the fine weather, we dropped the Marquee dry and enjoyed a fine “Al Fresco” BBQ prepared by Del, Jason and Ashley and team, followed by a cracking camp fire and gang show for the last evening.
Up early and packing away with a final breakfast, closing ceremony at 10:00:
- Patrol Competition Winners – Cook (Dom, George, James & Nathaniel)
- RSC Winners – Wilberforce (Harry, Connor, Matt, Rebecca & Shea)
- Pen-Y-Ghent badges to those successfully completing the climb
- Three Peak Challenge – Membership and badges
- Thanks to Darren for driving the van and trailer
- Thanks to all the MiDAS for driving the minibuses
- All leaders for all their assistance and with the kitchen roster
Departing Dalesbridge at 10:45 and arriving back @ 18:00, kit away (Dry for a change) and cleaning the minibuses.
Retuning minibuses, accounts, laundry, final accounts and thinking about next year’s camp – Any suggestions?………………
A selection of photo’s from the camp follow.