Beavers Halloween Party – Thursday 26th October 2017
Our annual Halloween party for all three Beaver colonies of 5th Dartford was a great success once again. We also invited parents and siblings to dress up and join in which resulted in well over 40 spookily dressed people turning up.
Teams of Beavers and parents started the games off by Space hopping up the hall then getting do-nuts off the line with just their teeth. Next was Halloween Bingo a picture matching game for children only. Then the Halloween story game in which everyone in the room was involved. Ooh Spooky!!
After a short break for refreshments washed down with Witches Brew, everyone got back in their teams for the traditional Apple bobbing and trying to retrieve a sweet from the plate of icing sugar, strictly No Hands Allowed.
Much to the relief of all the parents a game of Musical Bumps for the 28 children only finished the evening off and all departed with a Goody bag each.
Many thanks to my team of Leaders for helping the party run so smoothly
Auntie Beaver