2017-06-11 – AGM / Activity Day

Over 150 people attended our annual activity day and AGM on Sunday, June 11th. Many of our young members gained access to the event via aerial runway. Our leaders ran the usual activities including a craft stall creating plaster hand casts, archery, rifle shooting, climbing and abseiling. Friends and volunteers were also responsible for making and selling cakes and the hot job of cooking burgers and hot dogs, as the Group enjoyed 5th Dartford weather of sun and heat all day.

The AGM was attended by some special guests, including Jeremy Kite, leader of Dartford Borough Council, Rt Hon Gareth Johnson MP, Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, David and Ellen Mote, District Commissioner, Robert Ludlow, John Perkins and Paul Love of Dartford Freemasons who presented the Group with a cheque for £3,000, Bill Dunster OBE of Zedfactory and John and Marion White. Posters of our proposed new hall were on display and our architect, Bill Dunster, spent the afternoon discussing the new hall with parents, young member of the Group and the leaders and volunteers present.

Neil Young

Group Chair
