2011-10-16 – 777 Blog – Day 0

Another early morning prepping kit, this time ensuring we were not doubling up with excess equipment, packing the car and placing items into groups fora slick transition between marathons and countries.  After a hearty breakfast we all said farewell to Bergen (Germany), Naomi and Mr Bo and headed off towards our first marathon destination Prague, Czech Republic.  20 miles into the journey and we are already heading in the wrong direction and Al is complaining that he needs a wee stop.  Unfortunately the journey was another epic, lasting around 7 hours, poor old Darren who has to slog it behind the wheel for hours on end while the rest of us ‘get our nuts down’!  We arrived in a very dark Prague at 2100hrs and had time only for some final kit preparation, the briefest of sightseeing and a well deserved beer, in bed by midnight.
