2010-11-05 – Leigh Pack Fireworks

Leigh Pack celebrated Fireworks night with a ‘Bang’.  With a full pack of Cubs briefed on the safety of fireworks, we made our way outside.  The fireworks commenced with plenty of “ooohs” and “ahhs” coming loudly from the excellently behaved Leigh Pack Cubs.

When the flash and crackles came to an end, we returned into the hall, Hotdogs “with ketchup too” said one happy cub, a warm up in the hall and our bellys filled, we returned back outside to a nice hot camp fire where we sung camp fire songs – Chickens have legs with actions (Can you imagine!!!) and toasted marshmellows, yummy! Each Cub toasted their own marshmallows on the open fire and enjoyed watching them go gooey before eating them. John then produced yet another surprise of Sparklers…. Gloves at the ready we made a circle and we lit the sparklers.

Thank you to Brett for a great display of fireworks and to Jacqueline and Tina for cooking our hotdogs.

A fun night was had by all and no Cubs were injured in the making….
