The advance party arrived at our pitch @14:30 and despite earlier rain our allocation was favourable and the weather was kind to us for setting up camp even if squelchy underfoot. More leaders and 15 young people, 6 of whom were first timers at Bisley, arrived after dark and stowed their kit before a team briefing where everyone was given a lanyard, map and an aid-memoir to help them to be in the right place at the right time for their events.
Saturday morning saw (almost) everyone seated for a hearty breakfast at 07:00 before all competitors reported for the 08:00 safety briefing in the Lord Roberts Centre. Events started at 08:45, which included Knockout, Field Targets, 6yd Pistols, 6yd Rifles and optional Small-bore, Target Sprint, Turning Targets and a multitude of own gun classes.
The weather saw a mixture of sunshine and heavy rain, but fortunately most events were under cover. The day was rounded off with a tasty spaghetti Bolognese and cheesy garlic bread prepared by Tim and Kev, with apple pie and custard to follow before an open air screening of the rugby for those who wanted to cheer England along.
Heavy rain over night made our dining area very muddy and tents very wet, but the sun came out with a good breeze which enabled us to get all tents dry and away in time, which was a blessing as nobody likes hanging up wet tents back at the hall.
A big thanks to all competitors for their good conduct and sportsmanship, the leaders for giving up their time to make the camp possible; to Tim and Kevin for making sure everyone was kept well fed and watered and a special mention to young Ewan who won six consecutive rounds of the Knockout to reach the quarter finals on his first visit to the National Championships; very well done.
Best regards