On Friday 17th June 2016 Edwards Beavers went on their first sleepover at Scout House.
We arrived at 6pm and set up our beds, we were then ready to start tackling activities to help us gain our Outdoor Challenge Badge.
Our first task was to help pitch a tent; everyone took a turn banging in a tent peg and as the tent was still there the next morning we can safely say they did a good job!
Bug houses were next on the agenda with some very interesting results.
We ate hot dogs, drank hot chocolate, toasted marshmallows and watched the bats whilst standing around the camp fire.
Saturday started with packing & eating breakfast, everyone tried the eggy bread!
A game of Bingo was enjoyed and then the Beavers went into the garden to follow a trail, everyone successfully found all the letters.
We all went for a walk along the River Cray where the Beavers collected rubbish as part of their World Challenge Badge, we stopped a shop to spend our £2 and I think everyone came away with some change!
A short walk back to Scout House for lunch and games in the garden and then it was time to go home.
For all of the Beavers this was their first experience of a Scout night away and for many it was their first night away from home, they all had a fantastic time and are looking forward to the next one.
A massive thank you to Kay and John for giving up their weekend to help.
Tracy & Shea.